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நானும் ப்ளாக் எழுதனும்னு பொழுது போகாமல் இதை உருவாக்கியிருக்கேன். படித்து உங்கள் கருத்துக்களை தெரிவியுங்கள். கொஞ்சம் பயனுள்ளதாகவும் இருக்கும்.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
1. No Breakfast
People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level.
This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.
2. Overeating
It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.
3. Smoking
It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.
4. High Sugar consumption
Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing
malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.
5. Air Pollution
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air
decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain
6. Sleep Deprivation
Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the
death of brain cells.
7. Head covered while sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered, increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and
decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.
8. Working your brain during illness
Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of
the brain as well as damage the brain.
9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts
Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may
cause brain shrinkage.
10. Talking Rarely
Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain.
1. No Breakfast
People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level.
This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.
2. Overeating
It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.
3. Smoking
It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.
4. High Sugar consumption
Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing
malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.
5. Air Pollution
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air
decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain
6. Sleep Deprivation
Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the
death of brain cells.
7. Head covered while sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered, increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and
decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.
8. Working your brain during illness
Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of
the brain as well as damage the brain.
9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts
Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may
cause brain shrinkage.
10. Talking Rarely
Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Some Facts
1. Coca-Cola was originally green.
2. the most common name in the world is Mohammed.
3. The name of all the continents ends with the same letter that they
start with.
4. The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.
5. There are two credit cards for every person in the United States .
6. TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters
Only on one row! Of the keyboard.
7. Women blink nearly twice as much as men!!
8. You can't kill yourself by holding your breath.
9. Both Humans and Giraffee have the same number of bones in the neck
10. People say "Bless you" when you sneeze because when you sneeze, Your
Heart stops for a millisecond.
11. It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.
12. The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be the
toughest tongue twister in the English language.
13. If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. If you try to
suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or
neck and die.
14. Each king in a deck of playing cards represents great king from
Spades - King David
Clubs - Alexander the Great,
Hearts - Charlemagne
Diamonds - Julius Caesar.
15. 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987, 654,321
16. If a statue of a person in the park on a horse has both front legs
In the air, the person died in battle.
17. If the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a
result of wounds received in battle.
18. If the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of
Natural causes.
19. What do bullet proof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and
Laser printers all have in common? Ans. - All invented by women.
20. Question - This is the only food that doesn't spoil. What is this?
Ans. - Honey
21. A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
22. A snail can sleep for three years.
23. All polar bears are left handed.
24. American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive
From each salad served in first-class.
25. Butterflies taste with their feet.
26. Elephants are the only animals that can't jump.
27. In the last 4000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.
28. On average, people fear spiders more than they do death.
29. Shakespeare invented the word 'assassination' and 'bump'.
30. Stewardesses are the longest word typed with only the left hand.
31. The ant always falls over on its right side when intoxicated.
32. The electric chair was invented by a dentist.
33. The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the
Body to squirt blood 30 feet.
34. Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have Over
million descendants.
35. Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in
your ear by 700 times.
36. The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.
37. Most lipstick contains fish scales.
38. Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different
39. There is a Butterfly in Brazil which has the color of chocolates
And also smells like Chocolate
40. Giraffee can clean there ears with their tongue
41. It is impossible to lick your elbow.
2. the most common name in the world is Mohammed.
3. The name of all the continents ends with the same letter that they
start with.
4. The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.
5. There are two credit cards for every person in the United States .
6. TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters
Only on one row! Of the keyboard.
7. Women blink nearly twice as much as men!!
8. You can't kill yourself by holding your breath.
9. Both Humans and Giraffee have the same number of bones in the neck
10. People say "Bless you" when you sneeze because when you sneeze, Your
Heart stops for a millisecond.
11. It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.
12. The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be the
toughest tongue twister in the English language.
13. If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. If you try to
suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or
neck and die.
14. Each king in a deck of playing cards represents great king from
Spades - King David
Clubs - Alexander the Great,
Hearts - Charlemagne
Diamonds - Julius Caesar.
15. 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987, 654,321
16. If a statue of a person in the park on a horse has both front legs
In the air, the person died in battle.
17. If the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a
result of wounds received in battle.
18. If the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of
Natural causes.
19. What do bullet proof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and
Laser printers all have in common? Ans. - All invented by women.
20. Question - This is the only food that doesn't spoil. What is this?
Ans. - Honey
21. A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
22. A snail can sleep for three years.
23. All polar bears are left handed.
24. American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive
From each salad served in first-class.
25. Butterflies taste with their feet.
26. Elephants are the only animals that can't jump.
27. In the last 4000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.
28. On average, people fear spiders more than they do death.
29. Shakespeare invented the word 'assassination' and 'bump'.
30. Stewardesses are the longest word typed with only the left hand.
31. The ant always falls over on its right side when intoxicated.
32. The electric chair was invented by a dentist.
33. The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the
Body to squirt blood 30 feet.
34. Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have Over
million descendants.
35. Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in
your ear by 700 times.
36. The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.
37. Most lipstick contains fish scales.
38. Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different
39. There is a Butterfly in Brazil which has the color of chocolates
And also smells like Chocolate
40. Giraffee can clean there ears with their tongue
41. It is impossible to lick your elbow.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
15 Coolest Firefox Tricks
Everybody’s favorite open-source browser, Firefox, is great right out
of the box. And by adding some of the awesome extensions available out
there, the browser just gets better and better.
But look under the hood, and there are a bunch of hidden (and some not-
so-secret) tips and tricks available that will crank Firefox up and
pimp your browser. Make it faster, cooler, more efficient. Get to be a
Jedi master with the following cool Firefox tricks.
1) More screen space. Make your icons small. Go to View - Toolbars -
Customize and check the “Use small icons” box.
2) Smart keywords. If there’s a search you use a lot (let’s say’s people search), this is an awesome tool that not many
people use. Right-click on the search box, select “Add a Keyword for
this search”, give the keyword a name and an easy-to-type and easy-to-
remember shortcut name (let’s say “actor”) and save it. Now, when you
want to do an actor search, go to Firefox’s address bar, type “actor”
and the name of the actor and press return. Instant search! You can do
this with any search box.
3) Keyboard shortcuts. This is where you become a real Jedi. It just
takes a little while to learn these, but once you do, your browsing
will be super fast. Here are some of the most common (and my personal
* Spacebar (page down)
* Shift-Spacebar (page up)
* Ctrl+F (find)
* Alt-N (find next)
* Ctrl+D (bookmark page)
* Ctrl+T (new tab)
* Ctrl+K (go to search box)
* Ctrl+L (go to address bar)
* Ctrl+= (increase text size)
* Ctrl+- (decrease text size)
* Ctrl-W (close tab)
* F5 (reload)
* Alt-Home (go to home page)
4) Auto-complete. This is another keyboard shortcut, but it’s not
commonly known and very useful. Go to the address bar (Control-L) and
type the name of the site without the “www” or the “.com”. Let’s say
“google”. Then press Control-Enter, and it will automatically fill in
the “www” and the “.com” and take you there - like magic! For .net
addresses, press Shift-Enter, and for .org addresses, press Control-
5) Tab navigation. Instead of using the mouse to select different tabs
that you have open, use the keyboard. Here are the shortcuts:
* Ctrl+Tab (rotate forward among tabs)
* Ctrl+Shft+Tab (rotate to the previous tab)
* Ctrl+1-9 (choose a number to jump to a specific tab)
6) Mouse shortcuts. Sometimes you’re already using your mouse and it’s
easier to use a mouse shortcut than to go back to the keyboard. Master
these cool ones:
* Middle click on link (opens in new tab)
* Shift-scroll down (previous page)
* Shift-scroll up (next page)
* Ctrl-scroll up (decrease text size)
* Ctrl-scroll down (increase text size)
* Middle click on a tab (closes tab)
7) Delete items from address bar history. Firefox’s ability to
automatically show previous URLs you’ve visited, as you type, in the
address bar’s drop-down history menu is very cool. But sometimes you
just don’t want those URLs to show up (I won’t ask why). Go to the
address bar (Ctrl-L), start typing an address, and the drop-down menu
will appear with the URLs of pages you’ve visited with those letters
in them. Use the down-arrow to go down to an address you want to
delete, and press the Delete key to make it disappear.
Cool User chrome. If you really want to trick out your Firefox, you’ll
want to create a UserChrome.css file and customize your browser. It’s
a bit complicated to get into here, but check out this tutorial.
9) Create a user.js file. Another way to customize Firefox, creating a
user.js file can really speed up your browsing. You’ll need to create
a text file named user.js in your profile folder (see this to find out
where the profile folder is) and see this example user.js file that
you can modify. Created by, this example explains some
of the things you can do in its comments.
10) about:config. The true power user’s tool, about.config isn’t
something to mess with if you don’t know what a setting does. You can
get to the main configuration screen by putting about:config in the
browser’s address bar. See Mozillazine’s about:config tips and
11) Add a keyword for a bookmark. Go to your bookmarks much faster by
giving them keywords. Right-click the bookmark and then select
Properties. Put a short keyword in the keyword field, save it, and now
you can type that keyword in the address bar and it will go to that
12) Speed up Firefox. If you have a broadband connection (and most of
us do), you can use pipelining to speed up your page loads. This
allows Firefox to load multiple things on a page at once, instead of
one at a time (by default, it’s optimized for dialup connections).
Here’s how:
* Type “about:config” into the address bar and hit return. Type
“network.http” in the filter field, and change the following settings
(double-click on them to change them):
* Set “network.http.pipelining” to “true”
* Set “network.http.proxy.pipelining” to “true”
* Set “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” to a number like 30. This
will allow it to make 30 requests at once.
* Also, right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it
“nglayout.initialpaint.delay” and set its value to “0″. This value is
the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it
13) Limit RAM usage. If Firefox takes up too much memory on your
computer, you can limit the amount of RAM it is allowed to us. Again,
go to about:config, filter “browser.cache” and select
“browser.cache.disk.capacity”. It’s set to 50000, but you can lower
it, depending on how much memory you have. Try 15000 if you have
between 512MB and 1GB ram.
14) Reduce RAM usage further for when Firefox is minimized. This
setting will move Firefox to your hard drive when you minimize it,
taking up much less memory. And there is no noticeable difference in
speed when you restore Firefox, so it’s definitely worth a go. Again,
go to about:config, right-click anywhere and select New-> Boolean.
Name it “config.trim_on_minimize” and set it to TRUE. You have to
restart Firefox for these settings to take effect.
15) Move or remove the close tab button. Do you accidentally click on
the close button of Firefox’s tabs? You can move them or remove them,
again through about:config. Edit the preference for
“browser.tabs.closeButtons”. Here are the meanings of each value:
* 0: Display a close button on the active tab only
* 1:(Default) Display close buttons on all tabs
* 2:Don’t display any close buttons
* 3:Display a single close button at the end of the tab bar (Firefox
1.x behavior)
of the box. And by adding some of the awesome extensions available out
there, the browser just gets better and better.
But look under the hood, and there are a bunch of hidden (and some not-
so-secret) tips and tricks available that will crank Firefox up and
pimp your browser. Make it faster, cooler, more efficient. Get to be a
Jedi master with the following cool Firefox tricks.
1) More screen space. Make your icons small. Go to View - Toolbars -
Customize and check the “Use small icons” box.
2) Smart keywords. If there’s a search you use a lot (let’s say’s people search), this is an awesome tool that not many
people use. Right-click on the search box, select “Add a Keyword for
this search”, give the keyword a name and an easy-to-type and easy-to-
remember shortcut name (let’s say “actor”) and save it. Now, when you
want to do an actor search, go to Firefox’s address bar, type “actor”
and the name of the actor and press return. Instant search! You can do
this with any search box.
3) Keyboard shortcuts. This is where you become a real Jedi. It just
takes a little while to learn these, but once you do, your browsing
will be super fast. Here are some of the most common (and my personal
* Spacebar (page down)
* Shift-Spacebar (page up)
* Ctrl+F (find)
* Alt-N (find next)
* Ctrl+D (bookmark page)
* Ctrl+T (new tab)
* Ctrl+K (go to search box)
* Ctrl+L (go to address bar)
* Ctrl+= (increase text size)
* Ctrl+- (decrease text size)
* Ctrl-W (close tab)
* F5 (reload)
* Alt-Home (go to home page)
4) Auto-complete. This is another keyboard shortcut, but it’s not
commonly known and very useful. Go to the address bar (Control-L) and
type the name of the site without the “www” or the “.com”. Let’s say
“google”. Then press Control-Enter, and it will automatically fill in
the “www” and the “.com” and take you there - like magic! For .net
addresses, press Shift-Enter, and for .org addresses, press Control-
5) Tab navigation. Instead of using the mouse to select different tabs
that you have open, use the keyboard. Here are the shortcuts:
* Ctrl+Tab (rotate forward among tabs)
* Ctrl+Shft+Tab (rotate to the previous tab)
* Ctrl+1-9 (choose a number to jump to a specific tab)
6) Mouse shortcuts. Sometimes you’re already using your mouse and it’s
easier to use a mouse shortcut than to go back to the keyboard. Master
these cool ones:
* Middle click on link (opens in new tab)
* Shift-scroll down (previous page)
* Shift-scroll up (next page)
* Ctrl-scroll up (decrease text size)
* Ctrl-scroll down (increase text size)
* Middle click on a tab (closes tab)
7) Delete items from address bar history. Firefox’s ability to
automatically show previous URLs you’ve visited, as you type, in the
address bar’s drop-down history menu is very cool. But sometimes you
just don’t want those URLs to show up (I won’t ask why). Go to the
address bar (Ctrl-L), start typing an address, and the drop-down menu
will appear with the URLs of pages you’ve visited with those letters
in them. Use the down-arrow to go down to an address you want to
delete, and press the Delete key to make it disappear.
Cool User chrome. If you really want to trick out your Firefox, you’ll
want to create a UserChrome.css file and customize your browser. It’s
a bit complicated to get into here, but check out this tutorial.
9) Create a user.js file. Another way to customize Firefox, creating a
user.js file can really speed up your browsing. You’ll need to create
a text file named user.js in your profile folder (see this to find out
where the profile folder is) and see this example user.js file that
you can modify. Created by, this example explains some
of the things you can do in its comments.
10) about:config. The true power user’s tool, about.config isn’t
something to mess with if you don’t know what a setting does. You can
get to the main configuration screen by putting about:config in the
browser’s address bar. See Mozillazine’s about:config tips and
11) Add a keyword for a bookmark. Go to your bookmarks much faster by
giving them keywords. Right-click the bookmark and then select
Properties. Put a short keyword in the keyword field, save it, and now
you can type that keyword in the address bar and it will go to that
12) Speed up Firefox. If you have a broadband connection (and most of
us do), you can use pipelining to speed up your page loads. This
allows Firefox to load multiple things on a page at once, instead of
one at a time (by default, it’s optimized for dialup connections).
Here’s how:
* Type “about:config” into the address bar and hit return. Type
“network.http” in the filter field, and change the following settings
(double-click on them to change them):
* Set “network.http.pipelining” to “true”
* Set “network.http.proxy.pipelining” to “true”
* Set “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” to a number like 30. This
will allow it to make 30 requests at once.
* Also, right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it
“nglayout.initialpaint.delay” and set its value to “0″. This value is
the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it
13) Limit RAM usage. If Firefox takes up too much memory on your
computer, you can limit the amount of RAM it is allowed to us. Again,
go to about:config, filter “browser.cache” and select
“browser.cache.disk.capacity”. It’s set to 50000, but you can lower
it, depending on how much memory you have. Try 15000 if you have
between 512MB and 1GB ram.
14) Reduce RAM usage further for when Firefox is minimized. This
setting will move Firefox to your hard drive when you minimize it,
taking up much less memory. And there is no noticeable difference in
speed when you restore Firefox, so it’s definitely worth a go. Again,
go to about:config, right-click anywhere and select New-> Boolean.
Name it “config.trim_on_minimize” and set it to TRUE. You have to
restart Firefox for these settings to take effect.
15) Move or remove the close tab button. Do you accidentally click on
the close button of Firefox’s tabs? You can move them or remove them,
again through about:config. Edit the preference for
“browser.tabs.closeButtons”. Here are the meanings of each value:
* 0: Display a close button on the active tab only
* 1:(Default) Display close buttons on all tabs
* 2:Don’t display any close buttons
* 3:Display a single close button at the end of the tab bar (Firefox
1.x behavior)
Friday, March 7, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Historic Win
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Tamil News & Magazines - Dinamalar - Dinakaran - Dinathanthi - Dinamani - Dinaboomi - Kumudam - Aanandha Vikatan, Junior Vikatan - Tamil News Headlines - Tamil News - Kalki Weekly - Cinema Express - Tamilan Express - Winnosai Daily Tamil News - Pattukkottai Times Electronic Daily - Tamil Software News - Viduthalai Tamil Daily - Tamilnadu Online - Unmai Online - Sify Tamil News - Muthamil News, Cinema, Music - Aaraamthinai Tamil News - Ambalam Tamil Weekly - Tamil Online - Webulagam Tamil Portal - Thinnai Tamil News & Stories - Maalai Malar Tamil Daily - Rediff Tamil - Koodal Tamil News - Kanian Tamil News - ThatsTamil Indiainfo Tamil Portal - Vanavil Portal For World Tamils - Tammilnool Kanthalagam Tamil Books - Valar Tamil Iyakkam - Ciol Tamil Portal - Tamil Oviam - Dinakaran - Dinathanthi - Dinamani - Dinaboomi - Kumudam - Aanandha Vikatan, Junior Vikatan - Tamil News Headlines - Tamil News - Kalki Weekly - Cinema Express - Tamilan Express - Winnosai Daily Tamil News - Pattukkottai Times Electronic Daily - Tamil Software News - Viduthalai Tamil Daily - Tamilnadu Online - Unmai Online - Sify Tamil News - Muthamil News, Cinema, Music - Aaraamthinai Tamil News - Ambalam Tamil Weekly - Tamil Online - Webulagam Tamil Portal - Thinnai Tamil News & Stories - Maalai Malar Tamil Daily - Rediff Tamil - Koodal Tamil News - Kanian Tamil News - ThatsTamil Indiainfo Tamil Portal - Vanavil Portal For World Tamils - Tammilnool Kanthalagam Tamil Books - Valar Tamil Iyakkam - Ciol Tamil Portal - Tamil Oviam
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