A succesful man isone who builds a house by the stones which are thrown by others on him
Hardest moment in life is not that when u lose somehting and tears come out of ur eyes. But its the one when u lose something & still u have to simle.
A friend like you is very rare,
Your joy and your pain I want to share
Truly and deeply I really do care,
Forever and ever i;ll always be there....
Success is nothing more than a few simple discplines practiced daily &
failure is nothing more than a few small errors repeated daily.
Think well, plan well Do well, Sleep well, play well, laugh well and Put ur mobile also into well. bocz ur not msgng me well.
Time goes so fast, life asks so much, no wonder friends get out of touch. But in hearts deep true, unseen, friendshup statys forever.
Amazing love story:
There was a mosquito and a dog who loved each other a lot. One day the mosquito got exciting & gave a love bite 2 the dog. The dog too became romantic & bite the mosquito. Next day mosquito died of rabies and dog died of malaria.
What a touching story, isnt it?
The pain is not on the day of death of ur dear nes. The pain is really when ulive each day without them & with their precene in ur mind.
Behind every succesful studnet there is one girl friend...
But what about unsuccessful student?
Lot of girl friends....